Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be on vacation starting late this afternoon. They hubby and I are going to Eastern Europe for a belated 10 year anniversary trip. It's actually 11 years this year, but Carina was too little to leave last year.

This is a 'just us' trip. My parents are watching the girls while we're away. We love them dearly, but we're not quite ready to tour Europe with them, and we're grateful for a little one-on-one time together. Aren't grandparents wonderful?

I've pre-posted some things to share while I'm away, but I won't be able to be out visiting while I'm gone.

Hope you have a wonderful week and a half - we get home on the fourth - what a great day to return don't you think?

Have a wonderful end to your weekend and I'll see you soon!


  1. Have a safe and lovely trip :)

  2. Happy Anniversary and have an amazing trip! I'm envious as neither my parents or in-laws could ever look after my little one. Enjoy it to the fullest!

  3. have fun i will miss you around blog land...Happy Anniversary..
