Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August 2024 in Books

A pretty even month of reading, some hits, some misses, and a few in between.  Here are the recaps:

All the Colors of the Dark - Chris Whitaker - fiction - five stars - Such a good book.  About a boy named Patch who saves a girl from being abducted, but is himself then taken.  His best friend won't rest until she rescues him, but he's a changed boy, and so is she.   This is a story about the consequences, intended or not, of ones' actions as well as friendship, love, and justice.  It's a lengthy read, but absolutely worth it.  Can't recommend enough.

The Bang-Bang Sisters - Rio Youers - fiction - four stars - The Bang Bang sisters are a band, but also a hit squad.  They work for an organization that eliminates criminals who have managed to escape the justice system.  They are lured to a small town in Alabama to capture a serial killer called 'the wren', but find out that it's a set-up.  They are trapped in a twisted game in which only one can survive.  This one took a little while to get into, but I enjoyed the premise and how things turned out.  Some pretty good twists in there too.  Solid read.

A Hunger to Kill: A Serial Killer, a Determined Detective, and the Quest for a Confession That Changed a Small Town Forever - Kim Mager - non-fiction - four stars - This was an interesting read.  Kim Mager was a detective in Ashland, Ohio.  She was assigned to interview Shawn Grate, a serial killer who was arrested when one of the women he abducted was able to call 911.  The timeframe of the book is pretty tight.  It covers Grate's arrest and the eight days during which Kim interviewed him several times.  It was interesting to me how she went about questioning him, drawing out additional information, reading him, etc.  A unique look at a specific aspect of law enforcement.

The Housekeepers - Alex Hay - fiction - four stars - More like three and a half stars rounded up.  The housekeeper at a well to do British home is let go.  The housekeeper has a plan, she enlists a variety of household help, some of which used to work at t he same home, or had connections to it.  She plans to rob the home during an upcoming costume ball.  This was a really interesting premise.  I liked the idea, and the set up, but I feel like the execution was a little bit rushed.  I think this just needed more development.  There were some interesting twists in the story that I enjoyed, but also a few twists that seemed unnecessary.  Quick, easy read.

Night Watch - Anne Jayne Phillips - historical fiction - three stars - This story takes place after the Civil War.  ConaLee's father has been missing since he left for the war.  A confederate deserter has taken over her home/family following the war which has lead to the decline of her mother.  This man is now taking her and her mother to an asylum.  They are to pretend they are a well-to-do widow and servant.  At the asylum their past comes back to both hurt and haunt them.  I wasn't a huge fan of the pace and writing.  The story jumps back and forth between past and present somewhat awkwardly.  This one was just two and a half stars rounded up.  Generally meh.

Swift River - Essie J. Chambers - fiction - three stars - This was kind of a disappointment.  It's about Diamond Newberry.  Her father disappeared seven years ago and she and her mother have been just hanging on until they can declare him legally dead to collect on insurance, the date of which has just arrived.  Diamond is the only African American person living in their own, a fact that dates back to a law passed years ago that bans African Americans from settling in the town.  In the meantime, Diamond receives a letter from a relative of her foather's who she never knew existed.  To me, there were the bones of a good book here, it was just too fragmented and didn't hold together well.  I think my other issue is that I really didn't connect with the characters in the book, I just wasn't really rooting for them.  Just OK.

The Dallergut Dream Department Store: A Novel - Miye Lee - fiction - three stars - Translated from Korean.  There's a world that lives in our subconscious where people go to find/buy dreams that help them in their lives.  Penny has just been hired there, and the book follows her as she learns the ropes and meets important people in the world of dream making/creating.  It's a really interesting premise.  The book is more of a collection of stories rather than a narrative that flows throughout.  I've now read several books translated from Korean, and this seems to be the way most of them work.  In any case, it was a decent read although not necessarily an attention grabber. 

The Berry Pickers - Amanda Peter - fiction - five stars - The story of a Mi'kmaq family from Nova Scotia that works in the berry fields of Maine in the summers.  One summer their youngest, Ruthie, disappears.  The family is fractrued, none more so than Joe, the second youngest who internalizes Ruthie's disappearance, blaming himself.  The book follow's Ruthie's story as well as Joe's and what the loss of family does to them.  Highly recommend.

My favorite by far this month was All the Colors of the Dark.  I definitely need to read more from Whitaker.  Least favorite was Night Watch.  I am seriously backed up with library holds right now, so I need to pick up the pace.  I'm currently reading The Lost Story which is quite good.  Would love to know what you guys are reading!

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