Monday, October 7, 2024

September 2024 in Books

It was a very slow reading month for me.  Back sto school has put a real crimp in my reading time!  Not my favorite month of reading, but here are the recaps:

The Lost Story - Meg Shaffer - fiction - three stars - Jeremy is a famous for two things:  being able to find lost girls/women; and being lost himself with his best friend when he was young and suddenly reappearing.  Emilie is looking for her lost sister and enlists the help of Jeremy.  This book started out really strong, I was hooked,  It really fizzled for me in the middle and never recovered.  I didn't care for how Shaffer ultimately explained the story, tied things together, it seemed a little too elementary.  Overall disappointing, particularly in light of the promising beginning.

The Ministry of Time - by Kaliane Bradley - science fiction - four stars - This story takes place in the future.  The ability to time travel has been discovered, but is a secret.  The government is utilizing a device to grab people from other times and see how the react to the current time.  The main character is hired as a 'bridge' assigned to one of the individuals who has been taken to help them assimilate to the world as it is now.  This was a really interesting premise.  the first 50 pages or so really had me engaged, and then things got very bogged down for me.  There were some very interesting twists that I did not see coming, but I also thought that the climax/ending was clunky and needed work.  Still a decent story.

The Little Liar - by Mitch Albom - historical fiction - five stars - Nico Krispis lives in Salonika.  The Nazis have captured Greece, and life is about to change.  Nico is honest to a fault and looks the part.  He's manipulated by the Nazis into telling Jews departing the island that they are going to new homes and jobs.  When he learns the actual truth, Nico promises never to tell the truth again.  The story tells how he survives the war, and how he has tried to atone for his actions for the rest of his life.  I loved this one.  It's been a while since I read one of Albom's books, but they are always so good.  I've got another in my queue already.

The House of Eve - by Sadeqa Johnson - historical fiction - four stars - This story follows two women, Ruby who is growing up in Philadelphia, and working to become the first person in her family to go to college.  When she accidentally becomes pregnant, her dreams are in jeopardy.  Meanwhile, in DC, Eleanor and William meet at Howard University and fall in love.  Both women are fighting to be part of a society/world new to them and higher than they came from.  Their stories eventually intersect.  I thought the book was quite good, although I found the endings somewhat too convenient.

Not shockingly, The Little Liar was my favorite this month, and The Lost Story my least favorite.  Hoping that October is better for my reading production!

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